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PRIVATE-Ohio Cannabis District

Ohio Cannabis District-A Private Social Network

We appreciate your patience as we have updated our website. In response to the changing cannabis landscape in Ohio, in terms of recreational marijuana, Ohio Cannabis District has been redesigned in response to that.

In our efforts to create an area where users can connect, we are providing a tailored space for people in and around Ohio.

And in our opinion, to help with advertising concerns, this space will help with that as well. If you or someone has a need to advertise to the general public, specifically those 21 years and older, please reach out to us; and we look forward tailoring your needs to reflect that.

Please read our Terms of Service and Privacy pages. If you have any concerns, please let us know as to how we may do better, and if there is anything we may need to change and/or omit.

We all can mistakes, though in our best efforts, we will do our best to provide the best we can offer.